Julissa Soto Latino Health Equity Consulting signature program


Julissa Soto Latino Health Equity Consulting signature program

Community-Based Participatory Research and Evaluation Services

Julissa Soto's signature training PROMOTORES DE SALUD, specializes in empowering organizations to effectively engage with the monolingual Spanish-speaking community through comprehensive research, evaluation, and training services.

Our community-based participatory approach ensures that the voices and needs of the Spanish-speaking community are at the forefront of your initiatives. By partnering with us, your organization will not only reach this vital demographic but also build lasting relationships and create impactful, culturally sensitive programs that resonate deeply.

Discover how our training can elevate your organization's connection with the Spanish-speaking community.

Community-Based Participatory Research and Evaluation Services

Julissa Soto's signature training PROMOTORES DE SALUD, specializes in empowering organizations to effectively engage with the monolingual Spanish-speaking community through comprehensive research, evaluation, and training services.

Our community-based participatory approach ensures that the voices and needs of the Spanish-speaking community are at the forefront of your initiatives. By partnering with us, your organization will not only reach this vital demographic but also build lasting relationships and create impactful, culturally sensitive programs that resonate deeply.

Discover how our training can elevate your organization's connection with the Spanish-speaking community.

Our services

Our expertise and community-based participatory approach make us the ideal partner for organizations looking to make a significant impact.

Research Services

Unlock the insights of the Spanish-speaking community with our expert research services. We utilize focus groups, key informant interviews, and more to provide you with a deep understanding of this vibrant community.

black smartphone near person
black smartphone near person
Evaluation Services

Measure and showcase your organization's impact with our tailored evaluation services. We support you at every step, from planning to implementation, ensuring your programs resonate and succeed.

Enhance your outreach with specialized coaching and training designed to help your organization connect with the Spanish-speaking community.

Training Services
laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table
  • Key Informant Interviews

  • Focus Groups

  • Charlas (Community Conversations)

  • Evidence-Based Programming

  • Promotora Model Implementation

  • Marketing Material Development

  • Staff and Board Training

  • Community Integration Strategies

  • Coaching and Training for Board and Staff

  • Preparation for Evaluation: Theory of change, logic models, evaluation plans

  • Tool Creation and Updates: Surveys, interview and focus group scripts, report templates, data tracking systems

  • Implementation of Evaluation Practices: Quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis, reporting

  • Ongoing Evaluation Support: Coaching and training for sustained effectiveness

  • One-on-One Coaching: Personalized guidance for leadership and staff

  • Group Training: Custom sessions for board, staff, and stakeholders

  • Evidence-Based Curriculum Training: Effective strategies to engage the Spanish-speaking community

Our services

Our expertise and community-based participatory approach make us the ideal partner for organizations looking to make a significant impact.

Research Services

Unlock the insights of the Spanish-speaking community with our expert research services. We utilize focus groups, key informant interviews, and more to provide you with a deep understanding of this vibrant community.

black smartphone near person
black smartphone near person
Evaluation Services

Measure and showcase your organization's impact with our tailored evaluation services. We support you at every step, from planning to implementation, ensuring your programs resonate and succeed.

Enhance your outreach with specialized coaching and training designed to help your organization connect with the Spanish-speaking community.

Training Services
laptop computer on glass-top table
laptop computer on glass-top table
  • Key Informant Interviews

  • Focus Groups

  • Charlas (Community Conversations)

  • Evidence-Based Programming

  • Promotora Model Implementation

  • Marketing Material Development

  • Staff and Board Training

  • Community Integration Strategies

  • Coaching and Training for Board and Staff

  • Preparation for Evaluation: Theory of change, logic models, evaluation plans

  • Tool Creation and Updates: Surveys, interview and focus group scripts, report templates, data tracking systems

  • Implementation of Evaluation Practices: Quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis, reporting

  • Ongoing Evaluation Support: Coaching and training for sustained effectiveness

  • One-on-One Coaching: Personalized guidance for leadership and staff

  • Group Training: Custom sessions for board, staff, and stakeholders

  • Evidence-Based Curriculum Training: Effective strategies to engage the Spanish-speaking community

three woman sitting near patio umbrella

1. Listen: We begin by understanding your unique needs.

2. Plan: We develop a tailored strategy for your organization.

3. Collaborate: We work closely with your team to ensure seamless integration.

4. Implement: We execute the plan with precision and care.

5. Renew/Terminate: We review outcomes and decide on the next steps.

Our Consulting Process

Get Started Today

Ready to make a meaningful impact in the Spanish-speaking community? Let our PROMOTORES DE SALUD be your guide. Reach out to us today to discover how our tailored services can help your organization thrive. Contact us now to get started and create lasting change!


Discover what our clients think about our service

I enjoyed your training! It was nice to attend a training where we connected with you and fellow attendees more than a professional courtesy of hello, how are you.

I think you're training was organized very well, with all your topics covered in length. What I will remember most is how you said that cultural competency is hard to achieve, and that we should strive for cultural awareness.

I am in awe of you and the work you have done for your community. Thank you so much for hosting this training and I wish you well for your conferences in Mexico and Paris.

Thank you,

I found this training very informative; I came into this training thinking I already knew how to do my job, and how to talk to the community.

It was a real eye opener for me. Learning new skills, and on the many things I need to work on and improve. Julissa explained everything in such a way that I understood and never felt confused. I felt welcomed and related to many other promotoras as well with Julissa. I am glad we were giving the opportunity to meet Julissa.

Claudia Hernandez

Community Health Worker

St. John's Community Health


Cynthia Covarrubias, CHW

BA Public Health


Discover what our clients think about our service

I enjoyed your training! It was nice to attend a training where we connected with you and fellow attendees more than a professional courtesy of hello, how are you.

I think you're training was organized very well, with all your topics covered in length. What I will remember most is how you said that cultural competency is hard to achieve, and that we should strive for cultural awareness.

I am in awe of you and the work you have done for your community. Thank you so much for hosting this training and I wish you well for your conferences in Mexico and Paris.

Thank you,

I found this training very informative; I came into this training thinking I already knew how to do my job, and how to talk to the community.

It was a real eye opener for me. Learning new skills, and on the many things I need to work on and improve. Julissa explained everything in such a way that I understood and never felt confused. I felt welcomed and related to many other promotoras as well with Julissa. I am glad we were giving the opportunity to meet Julissa.

Claudia Hernandez

Community Health Worker

St. John's Community Health


Cynthia Covarrubias, CHW

BA Public Health

Today's training was very informative, interesting and engaging. What stood out to me and I will apply to my job is transcreate.

At other trainings, we've been taught to just translate and give the community the information that was given to us in the manner that was received but transcreating is translating while also connecting with the community in a way they will understand. I enjoyed that the presenter, Julissa, is passionate about what she does thus captivating me to learn about what she is talking about. Thank you for taking the time to train us.

I loved the training you provided today. You presented everything in a way that made more sense than a lot of the presentations you often see that are just people reading off a PowerPoint. It was interactive and used real life experiences that really made the material stick. The videos and your commentary on them were also great.

Thank you!

Michelle Vazquez Godinez, MA

Public Health Associate

Vaccine-Preventable Disease Control Program

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health


Veronica Alvarez

St. John's Community Health

1. Listen: We begin by understanding your unique needs.

2. Plan: We develop a tailored strategy for your organization.

3. Collaborate: We work closely with your team to ensure seamless integration.

4. Implement: We execute the plan with precision and care.

5. Renew/Terminate: We review outcomes and decide on the next steps.

Our Consulting Process

Get Started Today

Ready to make a meaningful impact in the Spanish-speaking community? Let our PROMOTORES DE SALUD be your guide. Reach out to us today to discover how our tailored services can help your organization thrive. Contact us now to get started and create lasting change!

Contact Us

Contact us for more information, bookings and media inquiries.



720 427 5542

Connect with Julissa

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We are here for you! If you have any questions, inquires or need more information about Julissa, please use the form below and our team will be in touch ASAP!

Contact Us

Contact us for more information, bookings and media inquiries.


Connect with Julissa


720 427 5542

Reach Out!

We are here for you! If you have any questions, inquires or need more information about Julissa, please use the form below and our team will be in touch ASAP!