Day of Advocacy for Vaccines – April 16th

Join us on April 16th for a Day of Advocacy for Vaccines. Learn about the importance of vaccination, its history, and how you can make a difference. Mark your calendar and be a part of this crucial movement for public health.

Julissa Soto


Dear Conectores,

Across the country, we are seeing policy proposals based on fear and misinformation. A small but vocal portion of our population have used their influence during a time of uncertainty to drive a wedge between everyday people and the policies that have kept us safe for decades. While we have not seen anti-vaccine legislation introduced in Colorado this year, we have seen it happening in our neighboring states and beyond.

We are here to help elevate the voice of the majority who believe that we have a responsibility to keep our schools and communities safe from preventable diseases. Join Colorado Families for Vaccines, Immunize Colorado, Latinos Unidos for Vaccines, and Colorado Immunization Advocates for a day of community and support for public health.

Register here to join us.

April 16th 7:30 am – 12:00 pm

Colorado State House

200 East Colfax Ave, 80203

Old Supreme Court Chambers

Breakfast will be provided.

The anti-vaccine movement threatens not only our policies that promote access to vaccines–nationally, they are introducing bills that would threaten emergency blood supply and our food supply.

Join us to let lawmakers know we want Colorado to be safe from this radical agenda. A virtual check in will follow in late March to those who RSVP to discuss the day and what to expect. We hope to see you there!

Acompáñanos en nuestro primer día de apoyo a las vacunas este 16 de abril de 2024 en Colorado State House en Denver. Esta es nuestra oportunidad para apoyar políticas de salud pública sólidas, celebrar a nuestros profesionales de atención médica y agradecer a todas las personas que han trabajado duro para promover la buena salud en nuestras comunidades. No importa que seas un activista con experiencia o que sea la primera vez que participas en la Cámara de Representantes, estamos aquí para ayudarte a que sea un día divertido y significativo.

Regístrate a continuación y contáctanos si tienes alguna pregunta. ¡Nos vemos allá habrá desayuno, calcomanías, camisetas y materiales para ayudarte a aprender y a levantar la voz por aquellos que no pueden)!